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Plato Dog Strips Grain Free Turkey Cranberry 6oz.

  • Vendor: Plato Pet Treats


Real Strips Grain Free Turkey With Cranberry are soft textured, meat bars that support healthy digestion and are just the right portion size and shape for chomping. Made with real turkey as the 1st ingredient, these treats are grain free, made with limited , are naturally preserved, and contain no artificial flavors, corn, wheat, or soy. They are easy to chew as is or can broken into smaller pieces for dogs of all sizes. And we take the extra time to air-dry them in batches in our USA facility instead of baking them in order to retain more of the inherent nutrients (but your dog will just think that they smell and taste amazing). It takes longer, but we think its worth it.Turkey, cranberry, salt, mixed tocopherols (preservative), organic apple cider vinegar, citric acid (preservative), rosemary extract"


",Turkey, cranberry, salt, mixed tocopherols (preservative), organic apple cider vinegar, citric acid (preservative), rosemary extract

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Plato Dog Strips Grain Free Turkey Cranberry 6oz.
